Volunteer Post as Healthwatch Bromley Committee Member
YVHSC is an Ealing-based charity contracted by Bromley Council to “help local people get the best out of their local health and social care services”. HWB collects and publishes local people’s views and opinions on how well services are working and how they could be improved, enabling them to influence local service design and delivery for current and future users.
The HWB Committee plays an important role in overseeing the strategic direction and progress of HWB against its work plan e.g. quarterly patient experience surveys, Enter and View assessments of health and social care settings, research into specific services and information/signposting help on its website. Members also represent HWB on a range of local groups and committees to present reports and gain intelligence.
We meet formally for two hours on Zoom each quarter, with a less formal discussion meeting between each formal one. We aim to make HWB’s work relevant to Bromley’s needs e.g. suggesting projects, choosing services to visit, setting priorities and helping the staff deliver, mainly by editing reports and formulating surveys.
YVHSC has a process for recruiting committee members – if you are interested, please contact Charlotte Bradford, Healthwatch Bromley Coordinator, at charlotte@healthwatchbromley.co.uk
Professional experience of working in a health setting would be useful but it is not essential. We particularly welcome applications from groups currently under-represented on the Committee, including those from minority ethnic communities, young people and men.