1. Advice and Information -

    Waiting for planned medical care or surgery can be a frustrating time. That’s why it’s so important that while you wait, you get regular, clear and accessible updates so that you can plan your next steps.
  2. Report -

    A patient experience report with 601 reviews collected this quarter about the health and social care services in the London Borough of Bromley, covering the period from July – September 2021. We found that 415 (69%) local residents reviewed positively, 35 (6%) were neutral and 151 (25%) were negative.
  3. Report -

    A patient experience report with 632 reviews collected this quarter about the health and social care services in the London Borough of Bromley, covering the period from April - June 2021. We found that of the total number of patient experiences received 411 (65%) were positive, 44 (7%) were neutral and 177 (28%) were negative.
  4. Report -

    A patient experience report with 600 reviews collected this quarter about the health and social care services in the London Borough of Bromley, covering the period from January-March 2021. We found that 468 (78%) local residents reviewed positively with star rating 4-5, 17 (3%) were neutral and 115 (19%) were negative.
  5. News -

    The Health Innovation Network (HIN, the Academic Health Science Network for South London who is hosted by Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust) are currently looking for members of the public to partake in 1:1 discussions about their experience of surgery in London during COVID-19.
  6. News -

    King’s College Hospital is working to improve its communication with you.
  7. News -

    There are a number of opportunities for people to get involved in some patient/public groups of Kings’ College.
  8. News -

    Becton Dickinson has advised NHS England of a global shortage of some equipment used commonly
    for taking blood tests in the NHS.
  9. News -

    Emergency Department (ED) at Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) upgraded from ‘inadequate’ to ‘requires improvement’ by Care Quality Commission (CQC)