Enter & View: Springfield
Springfield is a modern development of ten properties for adults with physical disabilities who want to live as independently as possible. It has a capacity of 11 beds, and supports individuals aged 40+. Situated near Bromley Town Centre, Springfield benefits from being close to local retail establishments and other essential facilities.
Springfield, which is managed by Leonard Cheshire, provides a variety of care packages tailored to meet the specific requirements of its residents, with a particular focus on head/brain Injury, hearing Impairment, speech Impairment, visual Impairment, cerebral palsy, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular, dystrophy, spina bifida & hydrocephalus, and stroke.
Tenants are referred to Springfield through local authorities, private and service contacts. A contract officers team deals with vacancies, following their “Guidance on Customer Placements and Support“ prior to admission. Typically, the home receives two to three referrals per month, but due to lack of vacancies people are often referred to other services. The majority of the tenants have been living at Springfield since 2009.
Following the visit, our official ‘Enter & View Report’ was shared with the service provider, local commissioners and regulators. It outlines what has worked well, and makes recommendations on what could work better. A formal response, from the Service manager, can be found at the back of the report. They also sent a thank you to the Healthwatch Bromley team for the work we do to ensure that residents and their family/friends' voices are heard in providing a quality service to them.