Enter & View Report: Bromley Dementia Support Hub

The service supports people diagnosed with dementia who are living in their own homes, in LBB, and their family and friends who care for them.
The hub is a comprehensive resource that aims to assist people with a diagnosis of dementia and their carers by offering information and advice, and activities for staying socially and physically active.
E&V visits were carried out in September 2022 to four different support services. They have been evaluated using a mix of structured and unstructured face-to-face interviews, observations, and feedback forms for service users, their families, friends and staff.
Our findings are broken down per E&V visit. For each we detail observations and, if appropriate, highlight what has worked well and what could potentially work better. Comments and case studies are provided where available.
Following the visits, our official ‘Enter & View Report’, shared with the service provider, local commissioners and regulators, outlines what has worked well, and makes recommendations on what could work better.