Diabetes in Bromley - Information and Education for Patients

A statutory function of Healthwatch Bromley is to provide information and signposting to residents on health and social care services. Based on our intelligence we identified diabetes as one area of focus for our work.

Diabetes remains an area of great importance for the London Borough of Bromley (LBB), across organisations within the One Bromley Local Care Partnership, with a focus on review and improvement of diabetes care, investment and innovation. 

Bromley Healthcare is focused on supporting GP practices, assisting with increasing their diabetic provision and is currently recruiting a dedicated nurse to share best practice and education across Primary Care staff.

King's College Hospital (KCH) has significantly expanded its diabetes resource including the recruitment of several dedicated specialist consultants and continues to work closely with partners to ensure that discharge times are as efficient as possible.

LBB Public Health Team is dedicated to prediabetes and weight management care. They are currently exploring ways of improving referral rates into prediabetes education and working closely with Primary Care and system colleagues on improvement areas.

Primary Care have several innovative e-diabetes projects, with one Primary Care Network (PCN) piloting a dedicated project on diabetes care for housebound patients. This work is proving very successful, with best practice and learning to be shared across the borough.

The One Bromley Borough team is working to improve analytics to help target and address inequalities in outcomes across the borough and is planning to invest in more diabetes care innovations for the rest of 2022-23 and onwards.

Note: On the 10 January 2023, we updated the report to include the following information:

If a woman is diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes during her pregnancy, then antenatal diabetes care takes place under PRUH (outpatient clinics at Orpington Hospital).  Care will be managed by a multidisciplinary team including a Consultant Diabetologist, Consultant Obstetrician, Diabetes Specialist Nurse, Specialist Diabetes Dietitian and Specialist Diabetes Midwife.



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