Share your feedback about ophthalmology services

Healthwatch Bromley is investigating how ophthalmology services (OS)* are working for people who live in Bromley. We will use the responses to produce a report that will share key findings and make recommendations for improvements to the services.

We are including your experiences of GP and optometry referral pathways e.g. following an NHS sight test.

You can tell us what you think by completing our survey. Please return it to one of our staff members or volunteers or send it back to our office using the freepost address at the back of this document. If you prefer to complete the survey over the phone or are willing to give a more detailed case study, you can get in touch with the team on 0203 886 0752.

*Ophthalmology services

Ophthalmology services provide medical and surgical treatment for a wide range of eye conditions and diseases including injuries, movement problems, corneal infections; glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinal disorders and cataracts.

Complete our survey