Find out more about the ways we're helping to improve people's experiences of health and social care services in our annual report for 2022-23
“The staff at Healthwatch Bromley have been incredibly welcoming and I was always treated with respect and given tasks that felt challenging and meaningful. I feel like I have grown in both professional and personal skills, especially with the diversity of projects I have been able to be a part of. The work done at Healthwatch Bromley enacts real change in the community, and I am glad to have been a part of it.”
Latest reports and publication
Enter & View: St Cecilia’s
Patient Experience Report 2024/2025 Quarter 2
Advice and information
Useful Contacts During The Festive Period
Bromley Autism Referral pathway - Information for those seeking a diagnosis and their family
South East London now has an eye tests service for people with learning disabilities and autistic people of all ages
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