Free digital skills programme available to all residents

ClearCommunityWeb run a digital skills programme and their digital drop-in sessions will resume on 8th January.

Digital Drop-In (Resumes 8th January)

Mondays 11.00-13.00

Anerley Town Hall, Anerley Rd, Anerley, London SE20 8BD

Digital Drop-ins provide a friendly, informal space to get questions answered or problems solved for your laptop, tablet or smart phone. You can also practice in a supported environment and get access to other local learning programmes.

These sessions are a chance for you to drop-in with your device, sit down and get help with a single issue or develop your skills.

Typical things include:

  • Setting up accounts
  • Installing apps
  • Resetting passwords
  • Being safer online
  • Transferring files
  • Checking for problems
  • Starting at the beginning

Digital Volunteer Wanted

They are also looking for a Digital Volunteer to support our session on Mondays. A role description and our registration form is here.


Community Learning

They will be running two non-accredited courses at Anerley Town Hall on Wednesdays 2pm-4pm

Managing My Computer 10th January – 7th February

This course will help you manage and organize your files and computer better so that you can be more organized in your daily life.

Laptop Selfcare 21st February – 20th March

This course is designed to help you learn how to manage your  computer settings, install software and ensure it is safe

To register your interest please visit this page.


Digital Awareness Online

This Digital Awareness Online Programme is designed to give group support to people wanting to develop their digital skills, feel safer online and have fun!

They cover the essentials of using today’s technology, combining practical skills with fun. They share activities and demonstrations to help students become more confident using the internet and their smartphones, tablets or computers.

The classes offer a forum to address concerns and common barriers people face using their devices.They resolve these difficulties together, empowering our students to take ownership, be independent and get the most out of everyday technology. Their hands-on approach gives the opportunity to try, make mistakes and learn as a group.

Absolute beginners are welcome and no question is too basic. For more information click here.