Keep Warm Keep Well – Coping With Cold Weather and COVID-19
It’s essential to keep ourselves warm during winter to protect our bodies from viruses and infections.
For advice on how to stay well in winter visit
For members of the public
- NHS How to stay well in winter
- Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus
- (COVID-19). COVID-19 information is available in British Sign Language via the SignHealth website
- NHS information on the Flu Vaccine
Other Support and Advice
- Register for support from the NHS Volunteer Responders. To arrange support for yourself or someone you know, call: 0808 196 3646 (8am to 8pm, 7 days a week)
- AgeUK: Keep well this winter
- Citizens Advice offers free and confidential advice online, over the phone and in person
- For additional support, check if you’re eligible to register on your energy company’s Priority Service Register. For more information visit the Ofgem website
For professionals
- Access the Cold Weather Plan for England and allied resources
- Subscribe to the Cold Weather Alerting system for England via GovDelivery
- Read NICE Guideline 6: ‘Excess winter deaths and illness and the health risks associated with cold homes’
- Take the Helping People Living in Cold Homes e-learning module
- Use the Cold Homes Toolkits