Apply: Patient Reference Group member

Bromley Healthcare is recruiting individuals to participate in the Bromley Healthcare CIC Patient Reference Group (PRG).
Group of young girls stood in a circle chatting

Membership of the Patient Reference Group

Bromley Healthcare is recruiting individuals to participate in the Bromley Healthcare CIC Patient Reference Group (PRG).  The Patient Reference Group will support Bromley Healthcare in ensuring public and patient involvement is at the heart of its services and business functions.

To be eligible for a place on the PRG, you must live or work in Bromley and use or have experience of local community services. You should also have a positive commitment to helping improve these services.


The PRG will consist of individuals recruited to this role who will reflect Bromley’s diversity.


It is anticipated that meetings will take place once every two months.  On average we would expect the role to have approximately two to three hours of commitment per month.


There is a payment of £30 to each member for attendance at each meeting, which also covers travel costs.  Meetings are held locally in the Bromley Borough.  However, due to the pandemic meetings are currently being done by Zoom.


If you would like further information, please phone Sharon Cranfield the Patient Experience Lead on 0208 315 8791/8714 or email


If you would like to join please complete the form and return it to the address shown at the bottom of the form.